
Dear Somebody,

Dear Somebody is an art project by Jessica Kartawich that provides an outlet for emotional residue left behind by lost loves. If you are someone who has lost a loved one in their life, either through death or disconnection, you are encouraged to participate and find solace with others through your loss. The artist invites you to be a part of Dear Somebody and join in a symphony of intimate spoken word.

To participate write a letter to a person who is no longer in your life. It can be of any length and the content is up to you. Once you have written your letter, contact the artist at jessicakartawich@gmail.com to set up a time to audio record you reading your letter aloud or record yourself and email it to jessicakartawich@gmail.com.

Dear Somebody provides an outlet to connect with others and is open to anyone who is interested in participating. Dear Somebody is accepting rolling submissions and is a living piece that will evolve with each submission, reflecting the ever changing emotions which surround the different losses human beings suffer.